Controlling the Controllables and the Value of Self-Reliance

Amber Landry, also known as “Amber Elle,” is a registered nurse turned self-reliance advocate for women and families and the director of Family Preparedness at Fieldcraft Survival.
Landry grew up in a small rural town in Louisiana on a homestead, where her parents raised her to be safe, self-reliant, mindful, and have a strong sense of situational awareness. “We played and worked around heavy machinery and large animals from a young age,” says Landry. “My siblings and I grew up believing that there’s always a solution to a problem as long as you’re resourceful. As I moved into adulthood, those values and lessons became part of my life.”
“My job is to showcase a life that lives in contrast to that fear; to show people what that can look like.”
Landry, now a single mother of three, says she is very intentional in how she is raising her children. “I’ve picked the best parts of how my parents raised me, teaching them how to control the uncontrollable in any situation.” Landry homeschools her children, focusing on weaving self-reliance into their education in a fun and safe way. “My children all carry a backpack with basic items like a pocket notebook, whistle, ID card, snacks, a short piece of cording, and a chosen toy when we’re out in busy places or in the outdoors,” she says. “It makes me more comfortable knowing they have the tools to seek help if we get separated and it teaches them to be responsible for themselves.”
She predominantly did this for herself and her family, with a small online presence in natural wellness, until the pandemic hit.
“When the pandemic started, I noticed how everyone around us started operating from a place of fear; everyone was paralyzed by their fear,” says Landry. “This was when I realized how much that self-reliant lifestyle I grew up with had done for my mental state and that there was a niche for me to help people move through their own fears.”

Last May, Landry helped create a comprehensive course for women focusing on the body’s physiological response to fear and personal protection. She taught the course eight different times, with each one selling out. “It wasn’t a tactical course; it was practical,” says Landry. “The goal was to help women understand their bodies’ natural response when faced with danger, and accompanied training to help them move through that reaction.”
Some of the skills Landry thinks are important for parents to understand and teach their children are firearm safety, knot tying, communication, everyday carry, plant identification, water purification, signaling, and homesteading. “The idea is to teach children to be problem solvers and help them learn in a fun and playful environment so that when there is a dangerous situation, they naturally use their survival skills,” she says.
Throughout her teaching, Landry always communicates from a place of inclusivity and respect. “I never tell a mom who wasn’t raised around firearms that she needs to conceal carry to protect her children without teaching her how,” says Landry. “I teach moms how to have a conversation with their children about protecting themselves and how to utilize the skills they have. I help them recognize that they are capable and empower them with physical and mental knowledge.”

In addition to creating content and teaching courses through Fieldcraft Survival, Landry continues to cultivate her own brand and online presence. Recently, she released an ebook rooted in her southern heritage that teaches how families can create a culture of togetherness and develop relationships. The ebook includes a recipe for each day of the week, with guided activities that help families create a culture of safety - starting at the breakfast table.
Landry is also creating a unit study all about the current global crisis happening that could be used in addition to traditional classroom studies or as a tool for homeschooling. “We are actively living history right now,” she says. “I want to understand what’s happening and help others do the same so we can teach our children and learn to be more compassionate humans,” she says.